NAPFA’s First Decade 

By Susan Weiner

Three of NAPFA’s past chairs share recollections of the association’s first decade, 1982/1983–1992. See the timeline below for more highlights.

“In the ’80s, all those who served as officers or board members of NAPFA worked hard to sculpt this association into the excellent association it is today. In the early years, they were under a lot of pressure to change the way the organization was run, but they held fast to their ideals.”
Gary Pittsford, president, 1983; chair, 1984

“To understand NAPFA at its birth in the 1980s is to understand being at the forefront of an important, new movement. We called the organizing meeting of NAPFA the ‘Continental Convention.’ It was a very exciting time.”
Mary Malgoire, president, 1986; chair, 1987

“Joining NAPFA in the early 1990s was one of the most impactful things I have done in my career. I have gotten far more out of my association with NAPFA than I could have ever possibly put in. Moreover, I met people who I not only consider mentors but also have become some of my best friends.”
—Michael Joyce, chair, 2003–2004

Susan Weiner, CFA, is the editor of the NAPFA Advisor. Send her your ideas for articles and authors for the magazine.