NAPFA’s Second Decade 

By Susan Weiner

A past chair of NAPFA shares his recollections of the association’s second decade, 1993-2002. See the timeline for more highlights.

“The period 1997 to 2002 when I was on the board was incredibly exciting because of press exposure after we came out with the NAPFA Fiduciary Oath. There wasn’t a day without media coverage of the importance of Fee-Only comprehensive financial planning.

“There was a little tumult during the period because the sales community didn’t appreciate statements about being Fee-Only and comprehensive. Some people thought we were being too strident and should make nice with the sales community. I didn’t agree.”
—Gary Schatsky, chair, 1999–2001

Susan Weiner, CFA, is the editor of the NAPFA Advisor. Send her your ideas for articles and authors for the magazine.