The Connection

Committee Highlight

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Vivid Description: This committee’s goals are to help our chapters attract, retain, and bring value to the women who are new to NAWIC and/or the construction industry. We want to bridge the gap between seasoned members and new members by providing a mentoring program, articles, event ideas, and other resources. Our Emerging Professionals will benefit from learning and gaining guidance from existing NAWIC members. Likewise, the Emerging Professionals have a wealth of experiences, ideas, and abilities which will benefit our organization as a whole. We want this group to be inclusive, as it will take all of us to support and engage our Emerging Professionals and help build the best possible future for NAWIC.

Webinars, Networking Events, Employer Appreciation Events, National Contests, Outreach to new members and more!

Action Plan:

  • Working with membership to include welcome packet that includes information about the Emerging Professional committee and its value (mentorship).
  • Provide at least 2 joint webinars on topics Emerging Professionals want to hear or learn about by creating a survey and have National send to current NAWIC Emerging Professionals to find out what specific subject matters they want to see as a webinar.
  • Educating Emerging Professionals on how to make the most of their NAWIC membership to leverage it for success in the construction industry. Look at posting an article in NAWIC Today quarterly.

Committee Goal: Career Development 

Action Plan:

  • Arm women starting out with the tools to maximize their impact on the job. MB to join with PD&E on Personal Branding.
  • Recognize employers that exemplify the goals of this committee and choose to invest in themselves and the development of their employees. – website has information added and continue to send information to chapter presidents quarterly as reminders.


  • FAQ: Emerging Professionals: What does “Emerging Professionals” mean, anyway? Why is it critical to the future success of NAWIC and the construction industry? Click the headline to learn the answers to these questions and more.
  • Strategic Plan: Are you curious to know more about what Emerging Professionals is all about? This document highlights our long-term goals for the committee and organization. 
  • Tips & Tricks: Struggling to finds ways to start an EP program in your chapter? Are you looking for new ways to engage your emerging professionals? 
  • Emerging Professionals Handbook: Are you passionate about Emerging Professionals and interested in getting involved on the chapter, regional, or national level? Here’s what being an EP chair is all about.



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