The Connection

NAWIC Safety Letter

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Breathing comfortably on the job site is very important. It is crucial to be aware of the
potential triggers on these sites.
• Know Your Triggers
- Be aware of common asthma triggers such as dust, Mold, Pollen, and Fumes.
Understanding what can set off respiratory symptoms is crucial for managing
asthma on a construction site.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Wear appropriate respiratory protection, especially in areas with high dust or
allergen levels. Respirators or masks can help filter out harmful particles.
• Regular Cleaning
- Implement regular cleaning schedules to reduce dust and allergen build up.
• Stay Hydrated
- Proper hydration helps keep airways moist and can assist in managing
asthma symptoms.
• Emergency Response Plan
- Establish and communicate an emergency response plan for respiratory
issues. Ensure that workers know the location of emergency medical supplies
and procedures to follow.

A healthy workplace is a productive workplace. Prioritize the health and safety of all team
members to create a positive and supportive work environment.


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