The Connection

Winter is Coming

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Winter is Coming

Those are frightful words for anyone who was a fan of Game of Thrones.  It has an ominous tone.  Though, it is less ominous since leaving NY winters behind for the more temperate North Carolina.  Rounding the corner toward the new year, it’s helpful to dedicate a little time to thinking about the future.  This is not a pitch for New Year resolutions.  I fundamentally eschew resolutions.  Research shows that they don’t stick for many reasons.

I’m talking about BHAGs. Big, hairy, audacious goals.  The ones you might be a little embarrassed to talk about with friends or colleagues.  The goals that would propel you to go after what you are meant to be or do.  I might even cast your BHAG as a little scary.  A goal that makes you nervous, or anxious, or gives you tightness in the pit of your stomach.  We have the same physiological reaction to anxiety and excitement.  We get to choose which we are truly experiencing.

Take Control or Lose It

I have clients who take a “heads down and plow forward” approach to life.  Too often they don’t pick up their heads and scan the horizon to ensure they are going in the right direction.  Some realize that they end up very far off course.  Identifying that BHAG (I want to be the NAWIC National President, for example) can seem daunting.  That goal can be viewed through the lens of impact.  How will I be different if I achieve it?  How will I provide a positive impact?  What will be my purposefully guiding North Star?

I Need a Team

The loss of inertia is sometimes the result of trying to go it alone.  The adage that comes to mind is: if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together.  BHAGs are not solo efforts and it can be a long journey.  To achieve something grand and substantial you will need a support team.  Think of this as your pit crew.  Individuals with different roles, skills, and contributions.  Once you get the courage to share the goal, decide who you will enlist.  And, crucially, who are you willing to support in their pursuits.

Many people do not like to ask for help.  I’m getting better but I know I still have a way to go.  You may feel the same.  You may also be thinking, “I can’t say this out loud.”  I am encouraging you to say it out loud.  To a friend, trusted colleague, spouse, partner, or family member.  Now is the time of year when we all seem to have a little more space to think big or at least bigger.  And ask for support.  My BHAG: I want to be the premier executive coach for construction professionals.

Please email me, in complete confidence if you are not YET ready to say it out loud, with your BHAG and how I can support you in making it a reality.



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