Social media trivia contest winners

Last Friday, NAWIC recognized National Trivia Day (Jan. 4) by holding a fun little social media contest to close out the first week of 2019. We posted three questions that were in some way related to NAWIC on each of our social media accounts. The first person that answered the question correctly won a NAWIC branded item.

In case you missed the posts, here’s a recap:

Q: Which city and state is home to the first NAWIC Chapter and the National NAWIC Office?

A: Fort Worth, Texas

Q: Which certification course will NEF soon be holding both a webinar as well as a “boot camp” study session in preparation for testing at NAWIC’s Annual Conference in Atlanta?

A: CDT - Construction Document Technician

Q: What is the first and last name of this DIY Network TV Host and how is she connected with NAWIC?

A: Kayleen McCabe, the keynote speaker from AC 2018.


Congratulations to:

Martha Gresson - Gr. Palm Beach, Florida

Peggy Kenealy Newquist, CIT, ESP – Chicago Metro, Illinois

Barb Kelly Osheim – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Thanks to everyone for participating in the fun. If you would like to see more contests or have feedback about this one, contact We hope you have a very Happy New Year!