WIC Week Facebook Frame Now Available

Let’s ‘paint’ Facebook with WIC Week from now until after WIC Week is over! Consider sharing this with your region’s chapter WIC Week Chairs and Chapter Presidents. Urge them to send the same message out to their members to change their profile pictures. Go ahead, get all of your Facebook friends to change their frame to show their support too!

Here’s the link - www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=2244048069209197

If the link doesn’t work for you, you can also add it by clicking on your profile picture to ‘Update,’ then choose ‘Add Frame,’ then you can search for "Women in Construction Week 2019." 

A big THANKS to Tania Bowman of Dean Snyder Construction for helping get the word out with this cool new frame option on the Facebook platform. See her picture above. She even changed the photo to one of her on a job site so that it was a little more fun.