NAWIC hits the Radio Waves on "About Your House" 

NAWIC President, Dove Sifers-Putman, CBT takes to her local station, 610AM The Fan, in the Charlotte, North Carolina area to chat about NAWIC and WIC Week. The show airs every Saturday morning with Host Ray Terry, who helps steer listeners in the right direction with information "About Your House." The station shares: "This isn't just any info. Every week Host Ray Terry and his guests give you information that you can count on and trust to get the job done right, the first time."  

Here you see Dove, along with Lisa Dean, NAWIC -  Charlotte Chapter 121 Board member and WIC Week Chair. They look to be ready for some fun! You can listen to their Feb. 23rd, 2019 presentation online here.

Way to represent NAWIC, Ladies!  
