Webinar: Region Director Onboarding: Session 1 - Getting Involved on the National Level

When Past National President Connie Leipard was President-Elect (2015-2016), she started a series of webinars to educate Region Director candidates with NAWIC specific knowledge, information on their role as a National Board member, and tips on how to fill their roles more efficiently. This year’s topics are going to be a mixture of general leadership and NAWIC specific topics. The sessions are being finalized now, and the complete schedule will be available in November.

These webinars are OPEN to all members. 

In true NAWIC fashion, when you join a chapter you quickly find out how to get involved on the chapter level either by volunteering or being voluntold – but do you know how to you can get involved on the national level? Attend the 1st webinar in this series on November 13th to find out not only how to get involved, but also a multitude of ways to expand your professional footprint through active participation on the NAWIC National level. Some opportunities may surprise you.

 Topics to be covered in future webinars are:

·         Communications: Kristey Stewart, Immediate Past South Atlantic Director, and Emily Herndon will be discussing the communication initiative they started in the South Atlantic Region during Kristey’s term.

·         Social Media: Jenn Sproul, Northeast Region Director, and Jodi Wiemerslage, Midwest Region Director will be teaming to present how to leverage social media as Region Director (or chapter leadership).

·         National Strategic Plan: Ruth Fritts and Vickie Nickel, National Strategic Plan Chair/Co-Chair, respectively, will be reviewing the plan, what stage we are in the process of this plan and the role the Board and members play in reaching our goals.

·         Region Conference Planning: What are the roles and responsibilities of the Director and host chapter/committee.

 The following is the call-in/login information for the Region Director Onboarding webinars:


Dial-In: 605-475-4736

Access Code: 620917#

Online Meeting ID: directorsadvisor

Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/directorsadvisor


If you have any questions and/or topic ideas, contact Anne Pfleger, CIT, NAWIC President-Elect at akpnawic@charlesinc.com.


*Onboarding is the mechanism to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to become effective organizational members and insiders.