2020-21 Chapter Elections

Due to the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 situation, NAWIC Chapters should utilize the following procedures for their Chapter Elections for the 2020-21 NAWIC year.  

If you have already elected your Nominating Committee, you may skip the first two steps.

1. Election of the member from the sitting Board. Board members should have a conference call. During the conference call, one (1) member from the current Board should be elected to serve on the Nominating Committee.

2. An email from the President of the Chapter should be sent to all voting members of the Chapter asking for volunteers interested in serving on the Nominating Committee. In the email, the members should be reminded that there are two (2) members needed to serve on the Nominating Committee from the General Membership. If more than two (2) members volunteer, the President should schedule a conference call of the voting members of the Chapter. The sole purpose of the call should be the election of the two (2) members to serve on the Nominating Committee. Once a quorum has been established (a roll call), members are asked to vote for no more than two (2) members that have been nominated. A roll call is then taken with the Secretary recording the numbers of votes received per candidate with the two (2) members receiving the highest number of votes being elected. Should there be a tie, the member receiving the lowest number of votes is dropped and another vote is taken.

3. Once the Nominating Committee has been elected, the committee will meet via telephone conference calls and a slate will be presented to the membership.

4. All Chapter elections will need to be held via mail ballot this year. It is strongly suggested that mail ballots be sent to the voting membership of each Chapter no later than the end of April 2020, with a return date no later than May 15, 2020.

5. Guidelines for Mail Ballots will be sent to each Chapter as a reference guide for those that do not normally vote via mail ballot.

Chapters should contact Deb Lesar (dlesar@brewer-garrett.com) and Robin Fulton Meyer (robinfultonmeyer@gmail.com) should they have any questions regarding their unique situations.

Thank you,

Diane Mike, CBT
National President 2019-2020