NAWIC announces new Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

We are proud to announce the newly formed NAWIC Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.  Our mission is to create a place of peace, safety and support, surrounded by openness and inclusivity in which to grow, dream and simply be. 
Committee Chair and National Secretary Kristey Stewart along with Vice-Chair Jennifer Morales representing the Southeast Region have assembled a team of 8 additional NAWIC members from the various regions to represent the intersectionality of our construction industry. In the upcoming months, we will introduce them to you with their responses regarding not only recruiting/retaining members within NAWIC, but also increasing communication and, most importantly, education about DE&I. 
As the committee builds momentum, we hope you will also offer your support by way of our four pillars: 

Retainment: Asking our established members to keep an open mind

Recruitment: Bringing in new women from our industry for fresh perspectives

Communication: Sharing our new endeavors with others

Education: Being willing to receive new ideas and incorporate it back into our membership to create an evolutionary movement in the construction industry