Alison Frye named new North Central Region Director

NAWIC Members,

On April 12th, the NAWIC National Board received the resignation of North Central Region Director Mashell Carissimi. This was a very difficult decision for her and we thank her for her strength and her service to this association. 
On April 13th, we sent a communication to the North Central Region asking for members to step forward to fill the vacancy of Region Director.
We had two very qualified women put their names in for consideration. In a closed session on April 21st, the National Board met, asked questions of each candidate and voted for which candidate would fill the North Central Region Director vacancy. 
Today, we are proud to announce that Alison Frye, P.E., member of the Cleveland, OH Chapter #156 has officially accepted the position of North Central Region Director for the remainder of the term until Annual Conference 2022.
Please join us in congratulating Alison on her new role as North Central Region Director.

Anne Pfleger, CIT
NAWIC National President 2020-2021