The Coaching Corner with Michael Riegel: Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

I just returned from a vacation to celebrate my wife’s 50th birthday. The trip took us to Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. We did get to see a whole zoo’s worth of animals. Full disclosure, no tigers or bears but the “oh my” factor was there every single day. We both committed to leaving our laptops at home and truly separate from work. For the most part, we were able to stay true to our commitments. There might be a few clients and colleagues who got a stray email from me, but I was able to be present and embrace the sense of awe.

Why do I mention this? I find a recurring pattern when I make a concerted effort to embrace the idea of getting away from work, taking a vacation, and recharging. Ironically, we met a German couple who were puzzled by the idea that most Americans have such little vacation time. We Americans, well, we seem to work even when we are on vacation. My recurring vacation pattern is finding time to read (for pleasure and knowledge), thinking strategically, and the freedom to fully develop nascent ideas. My point is that when we unplug, really unplug, we then have the ability to ponder possibilities, reframe challenges, and reconnect with our purpose.

My book list included Start with Why by Simon Sinek. Throughout the book, I was able to reconnect with the reasons I chose my current path. His premise is to put the “why” first. The “what” and “how” are secondary. If we can remain focused on the purpose, then the others will essentially fall in line. Part of his rationale is that a clear “why” allows us to connect more authentically. People will buy from someone with a clear “why” more readily because of the authenticity and unique value proposition. Leading with the others turns us into commodities. There are many contractors that build buildings. How many live and breathe their purpose every day?

It brought me back to why I chose to work as a coach with leaders and business owners. I chose this work because I fundamentally see myself as a connector, a guide, a resource, and a thought partner. The immense gratification I get from helping a colleague or client achieve their goals is immeasurable. That hit me like a lightning bolt. Lots of people provide similar services. I realized that leading with that fundamental element is what attracts potential clients. And that being more intentional with that message is important.

For you, what is the reason you chose to embark on your chosen path? How can you start to get clearer about your purpose? What is your foundational element that you have built on? How can you be more intentional about unplugging to let your thoughts take root? Drop me a note with your “why” and how you can make that more prominent.

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Michael Riegel