Choose Advisors Wisely and Carefully

For some, summer ends as kids head back to school.  For others, Labor Day marks the transition from summer back to renewed work efforts.   Some work consistently through the summer.  Our industry typically sees the summer as the period of greatest activity.  I was energized returning from the NAWIC Conference and enjoyed seeing the social media posts.  This is an important transition period for NAWIC.  National, regional, and chapter board members are being installed.  Fresh perspectives are being brought to the table.  I have full confidence that the idea of continuous improvement will be embraced. 

Can you personally adopt some of the same ideas?  Have you considered building your own personal Board of Directors?  You may think that you don’t need a BOD or can’t fully recognize the benefits.  Companies have a BOD to bring in outside perspectives, identify blind spots, and provide accountability.  All valuable elements of a personal Board of Directors.

You may feel like you already have that in your life.  I am advocating that you curate your advisors thoughtfully and consciously.  How often does a friend or colleague offer advice even though they have no experience or expertise in that area?  Assembling the right people, for the right purpose, for the right moment will create a very solid foundation to build upon.

All Perspectives are Not Equal

George Orwell wrote in Animal Farm, “all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others” letting the reader into the true thoughts about status and hierarchy.  Distinguish which perspectives to value and consider and which are happily provided but not helpful.  All opinions are not equal in making decisions.

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

Junot Diaz said “we all have blind spots, and they look just like us.”  When we get enmeshed in a challenge, it can be hard to see past it to a resolution.  It has nothing to do with willingness or ability.  It has everything to do with not being able to see beyond our own biases, experiences, or perceived options.  Your BOD will help get you to unseen viewpoints.

Mean What You Say and Say What You Mean

A core element of coaching is holding clients accountable.  Accountable for doing what has been agreed to.  A personal BOD will hold your feet to the fire and call you out when you begin to backslide.  Backsliding happens to us all; we are human after all.  If you are committing to a path forward, find the right person to tell and invite them to be your accountability partner.  It is powerful to ask, and your invitee will be honored to accept.

Learn the value that organizations have by creating a Board.  The BOD concept can boost your career and help you achieve goals through additional outlooks, seeing past hurdles, and incorporating transparency and accountability.

Who will you ask to sit on your personal Board of Directors?

As always, you can reach me at

Michael Riegel