NAWIC Safety Letter

If you're getting ready to deck the halls with Christmas lights, make sure you're doing it with the right fall protection. 

Here are some tips and tricks to keeping your holiday decoration hazard free: 
-Use the Right Equipment.
      - Invest in a study ladder and make sure it's on a level surface.
- Inspect Your Gear.
      - Before acsending, check your ladder and fall protection equipment for any damages.
- Secure the Area.
      - Clear the work area of any tripping hazards and make sure the ground is even. 
- Have a Partner.
      - Enlist a friend or family member to help. They can hold the ladder, pass tools, and provide you with extra eyes for safety. 
- Weather Check.
      -If it is windy or rainy, save the decorating for another day.
- Proper Storage.
      - When you are finished, store your gear properly.
Spread the holiday cheer, but let's make safety a priority this season!