NAWIC Safety Letter

Safety is a top priority on the job site, and that includes preventing falls and ensuring
ladder safety.
Here are some crucial tips to keep our construction family safe:
• Gear Up for Heights.
 -Always wear the right fall protection gear. Harnesses, lanyards, and anchor
points are important to have when working with heights.
• Inspect your Gear
 -Before ascending, give your fall protection gear a thorough look over. Any
signs of damage, replace immediately.
• Choose the Correct Ladder
 -Not all ladders are created equal. Select the appropriate ladder for the task,
ensuring it’s in good condition.
• Training Matters
 -Ensure everyone on the team is trained in fall protection and ladder safety.
Knowledge is power.
• Have a Partner
 -Having someone steady the ladder or keep an eye out for potential hazards
adds an extra layer of safety.
• Maintain Three Points of Contact
 -When Climbing or descending a ladder, always have three points of contact.
Lets continue to build safety on job sites.