Diversity in the Workplace
If you're wondering if Brexit and President Donald Trump are doing damage to the reputation of the world's most popular business education markets, there is now proof. A new study by CarringtonCrisp revealed that 40% and 28% of students in the US and the UK respectively are less likely to consider studying in the two countries following the election of Trump and Britain’s referendum to leave the EU. ( Business Becausee)
Visit http://www.businessbecause.com/news/mba-application/4835/brexit-trump-damage-most-popular-mba-markets to view the full article online.
Denise Gray is known as the "battery czar" in some circles. She once ran the world that power your vehicles and keep electric cars supplied with new automotive batteries.Gray and her team, working closely with LG Chem, developed and launched the lithium-ion battery system that powered the original Chevrolet Volt.( US Black Engineer)
Visit http://www.blackengineer.com/news/denise-gray-female-ceo-know/ to view the full article online.
The Economy
The raging wildfires in Napa and Sonoma counties in California have, along with homes and other businesses, damaged and destroyed many wineries. The destruction won't have an immediate affect, but could affect supply for years to come. ( Fortune)
Visit http://fortune.com/2017/10/11/napa-wineries-damaged-by-fires/ to view the full article online.
Personal Finance
Though Americans are technically doing a better job of saving now than in past years, most of us still are not saving nearly enough. An estimated 57% of U.S. adults don't have $1,000 in a savings account, while 39% have absolutely no money saved at all. If you've yet to amass a respectable sum of savings, there's a good chance one of the following factors is to blame.( CNN Money)
Visit http://money.cnn.com/2017/10/10/pf/not-saving-money/index.html?iid=SF_LN to view the full article online.