Diversity in the Workplace
For weeks, thelines to get cash, food, water and gas in Puerto Rico have been exceedingly long. However, banks have had a harder time reopening than other stores.Nearly 80% of gas stations are open, and 90% of supermarkets. But only 203 of 314 bank branches on the island are open, according to government figures. ( CNN)
Visit http://money.cnn.com/2017/10/16/news/economy/puerto-rico-banks/index.html?iid=hp-grid-dom to view the full article online.
In the book The Future MBA: 100 Ideas for Making Sustainability the Business of Business Education, Giselle Weybrecht tackles the idea of how to create a business school that moves the needle forward on sustainability issues. Rather than a roadmap for implementation, the 100 ideas are meant to be a source of inspiration, as each business school is unique. Some ideas could be put into practice tomorrow while others would require a complete rethinking of the way we view management education. ( Corporate Knights)
Visit http://www.corporateknights.com/magazines/2017-better-world-mba-issue/greening-business-business-education-15081317/ to view the full article online.
The workforce development nonprofit Year Up has announced its partnership with the National Black MBA Association® (NBMBAA®), a national organization with over 10,000 members dedicated to the creation of educational opportunities and economic growth for Black professionals. With this strategic partnership, Year Up alumni and staff will receive the opportunity to access memberships to join NBMBAA ® in support of professional development opportunities including conferences and scholarships. To support Year Up’s programs, NBMBAA ® chapters in Year Up markets will partner with Year Up to provide mentors, guest speakers, and other volunteers. ( prweb)
Visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/2017/10/prweb14789493.htm to view the full article online.
Running your own company has great benefits, but can also be a complicated venture. However, if you struggle to stay abreast of your business finances - or you are new to the world of business ownership - here are some tips to to keep track of your business's financial health. ( Business Because)
Visit https://www.business.com/articles/5-tips-small-business-finances/ to view the full article online.