Diversity in the Workplace
As professionals from a range of industries aspire to work in the wine industry, universities such as Sonoma State are offering winery degrees. (Fortune)
Visit http://fortune.com/2018/06/13/wine-mba-ssu/ to view the full article online.
Janice Bryant Howroyd, The ActOne Group founder and CEO, shares how persistence and confidence helped her build an international business over the course of her four-decade career. ( Entrepreneur)
Visit https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/314704 to view the full article online.
Personal Finance
According to a new survey from the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning, part of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, fewer than 4 percent of Certified Financial Planners are black or Latino. What can be done to increase that percentage? ( Next Avenue)
Visit https://www.nextavenue.org/minority-financial-planners/ to view the full article online.