Diversity in the Workplace
In an age where people are living and working longer, with the potential for multiple careers, more and more older students are returning to the classroom. Many are seeking MBA degrees. According to the Financial Times' Global Business School Ranking, the average age of students in full-time MBA courses is 28. ( Financial Times)
Visit https://www.ft.com/content/e6ee49b4-ccac-11e8-b276-b9069bde0956 to view the full article online.
If the United States chooses to impose serious sanctions on Saudi Arabia in the wake of the alleged murder of a western journalist, the implications may be felt all over the world. But most severely for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman and his country. ( Fortune)
Visit http://fortune.com/2018/10/19/khashoggi-saudi-arabia-fallout/ to view the full article online.
Black Enterprise recently spoke with transformational coach and CEO of Wealth Improvement Network (WIN) Natalie S. Taylor to share insight and talk about ways to firmly establish and maintain a thriving and winning mindset in business. ( Black Enterprise)
Visit https://www.blackenterprise.com/entrepreneurial-mindset-natalie-s-taylor/ to view the full article online.
You don't need a business degree to launch a company, but it will come in very handy if you want to be hired by a company. ( Entrepreneur)
Visit https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/321383 to view the full article online.