The Advocate: NACC's Weekly Bulletin
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ABA Homeless Youth Legal Network

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The American Bar Association is creating a Homeless Youth Legal Network to increase legal services for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. This Network will provide information and foster collaboration in order to help attorneys and other advocates address existing gaps in legal services, and improve outcomes for homeless youth and young adults, including those transitioning from the child welfare system and exiting the juvenile justice system.

The ABA Homeless Youth Legal Network is currently looking to connect with attorneys, as well as legal and youth-serving organizations, to identify professionals who may wish to participate in the Network, as well as to determine the current scope of legal services provided to homeless youth across the country. (This includes civil legal matters, juvenile and criminal defense, and policy work/impact litigation for minors as well as young adults through at least age 25.) 

If you are an attorney/legal office representing homeless youth, or a homeless youth organization that either partners with legal providers or is interested in partnering with legal providers, please complete this brief survey and sign up to be part of the Network's listserv by e-mailing


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