Happy Holidays from the NACC

Greetings NACC members,

On behalf of the entire NACC staff and Board of Directors, I extend our warmest wishes to you, your family and loved ones this holiday season. This year is truly a time for reflection and I want to take a moment to share with you how much we value our partnership with each and every member of our NACC community.

Your NACC membership and support are not only central to our organization, but are also critical to the children, youth and families touched by the child welfare system across the country. It is the advocacy, skill, passion and tireless efforts of our members that truly make a difference to the lives of countless children and families every single day. Thank you for your contributions, dedication, expertise and support that help us continue to serve as a valuable resource for you in these efforts. NACC is committed to supporting you in achieving high standards of excellence in your daily work, and we are here to assist you all year long through customized trainings, amicus curiae assistance, a myriad of resources, specialized certification, and legal and policy updates. Please know that you can reach out to us any time of the year. We always love hearing from you.

Happy Holidays!

H.D. Kirkpatrick, PhD, ABPP
President, NACC Board of Directors