Have You Checked Out the NEW State & Federal Law Database Sponsored by Bloomberg BNA? It's Live on www.nehra.com

The new State and Federal Law Database site, sponsored by Bloomberg BNA, is not only user friendly, but it boasts a powerful search engine, real-time customer service and enhanced access to tools/resources.

What you Need to Do:
Simply check it out! Visit www.nehra.com and log in as a member, click "Member Benefits" and then "State & Federal Database." Make sure you click "Sign up for Email" so you don’t miss out on the weekly updates! http://www.nehra.com/?page=LegDatabaseBNA

What’s New for You:
BNA offers a "Fast Answers" feature, which allows you to search the entire database of information based on a keyword or phrase. There are also quick links to popular items, including Forms, Notices and Posters. The site is easy to navigate and will allow you to customize preferences to your liking. You can also create a personal profile, making it easier for return visits.

PLEASE NOTE: Updates will be
weekly instead of daily, and like the old database, you need to "opt-in" to ensure you’re getting updates each week.

What’s Stays the Same:
BNA offers all of the same features of the former provider (CCH), including HR Policy Handbook; HR Tools (such as job descriptions and performance reviews); State and Federal Law Summaries, along with HR Analysis and HR News, with the latest trends in our profession.

Thanks for your continued engagement with NEHRA. We hope you find great value in the system!