Getting Started With Employee Resource Groups

By Carol Malysz, Managing Director, Career Advisors

What is an Employee Resource Group (ERG)?

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are also known as affinity groups or business networking groups. ERGs are company-sponsored groups designed to enhance career development and contribute to personal development in the workplace. Voluntary entities, they’re based on shared characteristics or interests. Interest-based groups are focused on particular activities that range from environmental advocacy, community service, volunteerism to workplace wellness.

Why do companies support ERGs?

Supporting ERGs is a smart business decision. ERGs provide business insights, solve organizational problems, build leadership skills and enhance a company’s brand and image. Companies use ERGs strategically to recruit and build a more diverse workforce, one that represents the communities they serve. ERG members attend job fairs, networking events and provide testimonials on the company’s recruitment web site and throughout social media. They share with potential recruits how diversity and inclusion is valued by the company and help HR develop targeted recruitment strategies for populations that are underrepresented.

ERGs improve retention of employees by helping them feel less disconnected and more personally empowered and engaged in their career development. For example, they can help identify gaps that may prevent employees from realizing their potential and offer mentoring and feedback about how to overcome career-limiting blocks or situations.

The goal of talent development resource groups is to identify potential talent and set up internal and external talent development programs to help employees move up in the organization. These groups are among the best sources of finding leadership talent and providing organizational opportunities that ERG members may not have knowledge of or exposure to.

What do successful ERGs look like?

Successful ERGs develop a mission statement tied to the business strategies of the organization. They focus on developing talent and driving the diversity agenda via educational programs, leadership training and mentoring programs. ERGs typically participate in community service which enhances the organization’s reputation in the community. Community service projects help develop brand ambassadors for the company and build the talent pipeline.

What is the role of company leadership in ERGs?

While ERGs are initiated by employees, identifying an executive sponsor in the C suite is key to their success. With top level management support, ERGs are able to obtain the resources, visibility and support they need to be sustainable and successful.

At Career Advisors, a subsidiary of MCG Partners, we offer career consulting and coaching to manage change and career development for individuals and organizations. We combine established strategies with an innovative approach to help employees and their organizations thrive and achieve optimal performance.