PREVIEW: The Pulse of HR - a report by 2020 Onsite Optometry

Human resources professionals have a variety of responsibilities to help keep the workplace running smoothly and optimally, and in recent years many have added corporate health and well-being to their plates. Fortunately, there are many resources that aim to help establish, boost and maintain an effective wellness program. Have you ever wondered, though, what your fellow wellness colleagues are researching, reading, achieving and struggling with?

2020 Onsite works with hundreds of HR professionals regularly, so we know they (and you!) have very full plates. And with corporate wellness becoming a top challenge for many employers, it's a lot to juggle. So, we surveyed our clients to find out how they prioritize things like employee health and reducing turnover, what the most popular benefits are, wellness areas where they're falling short and more!

Some highlights from the report, including the top five wellness goals from our clients are to:

However, three of the top-rated goals are also the spots where our clients felt they had the most room for improvement - improving employee health, lowering employee turnover and improving overall employee satisfaction. How can they make the jump to support their goals while addressing their weaknesses?


We hope that this report will help!

Download the full Pulse of HR report at