Advice on Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption

At a recent leadership forum, ClearRock, Inc., a Boston-based career transition, outplacement, leadership development and executive coaching firm welcomed Shane Cragun, co-author of the book Reinvention: Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption. At the forum, co-sponsored by M2 Partners, Cragun shared extensive research on how to navigate 21st century turbulence with a simple model and process for making major change and renewal sustainable.

"While the book is full of information, the audience left with three key takeaways to push their leadership thinking and actions forward," said Laura Poisson, President of ClearRock. Here’s a brief summary to help identify leaders who can successfully manage rapidly changing companies and industries:

1. The ability to pivot quickly, profoundly, and effectively might be the most important core competency individuals and organizations must attain to prosper in the new economy.

2. The questions we should ask ourselves when hiring leaders: Will this person pump life into people and process? If not, why are we even considering hiring them?

3. There are six self-imposed blindfolds that leaders and organizations must be aware of:

• Arrogance

Not acknowledging negative feedback

• Dismissing competitors’ successes

• Thinking we know what is best for the customer

Believing problems don’t exist

• Avoiding the unavoidable

"By taking the time to ask the right questions when hiring or promoting a leader, organizations can save a great deal of time, energy, and money in the long run," said Poisson. "It is far better to take the time upfront, even if it takes longer than desired, to hire or move the right leader, as rushing to do so could have disastrous consequences for a business."

About ClearRock

ClearRock, Inc., headquartered in Boston, is a career transition, outplacement, leadership development and executive coaching firm recognized for bringing best-in-class offerings to the coaching process since 2000. With offices in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, ClearRock offers developmental coaching for high-potential managers and executives; new-leader coaching for newly hired or recently promoted managers and leaders; performance coaching to help managers and executives become more effective; and outplacement coaching through a combination of a "high touch" career transition assistance and comprehensive "high tech" resources. For more information, visit