January 16, 2017: Webinar Series

Is Unconscious Bias Sabotaging your Diversity Recruitment?
Presented by Kim Dukes, Senior VP of KNF&T Staffing's Diversity Search and Direct Hire divisions

Competition for employee recruitment and retention is intense, and those prioritizing diversity are achieving better performance. In fact, a 2015 McKinsey study notes that those in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have higher financial returns. So, what if you’ve done your due diligence to prepare for diversity search, but aren’t finding the right candidates? Unconscious bias could be sabotaging your recruitment efforts. Kim Dukes will discuss what unconscious bias is and how to identify it in the hiring process. She will explain, through real world examples, how qualified candidates can get turned away due to unconscious cultural filters. She will describe how to identify these instances so you can recruit the best talent possible for a diverse and inclusive workforce.

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