Goodbye, 2016; But First, Thank You - A Message From Tracy

By Tracy Burns, CEO of NEHRA

This is typically the time of year when we take pause and look back over the past 12 months. It’s an opportunity take stock in what we are grateful for, perhaps what or whom we’ve lost and a time when we make promises and plans for the year ahead. It is in many ways a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to reflect and re-prioritize. It seems like this year, more so than any in recent history, we are anxious to say goodbye to 2016 and move into what we all hope will be a better, brighter, if not simply a more civil 2017.

I too am looking forward to leaving 2016 in the rearview mirror, but not without first acknowledging an important lesson. This past year reminded me of the significance of relationships, of human connection, of the power we all have to help each other by simply showing up.

On September 23, my 65-year-old mother suffered a stroke. Until that day, she was relatively healthy, so the news shook me to my core. When I hung up the phone with my sister, I – for possibly the first time in my life – was literally at a loss for what to do next. With my two young boys in the car I sat on the side of the road and simply tried to catch my breath. So many things were running through my head ... how quickly can I get to her, what if she’s not going to be okay, what about my kids, and OMG the annual conference is four days away, and the board meeting ... and ... and ... I’m not 100% sure what happened for the next few minutes, but when I pulled myself together, I started making calls.

If who you call in a crisis says anything about your relationships, then what that evening reinforced for me is that I work with some pretty amazing people. Closing in on 11 pm, I connected with those who needed to know that I was about to travel 3,000 miles away with no idea when I’d be back. Each reaffirmed that despite the conference being only a few days away, I needed to go, be with my mom, and everything here would be fine.

To be honest, I never doubted that the team of people who put the conference together were well equipped to pull it off. The NEHRA staff, volunteers, board members and business partners came together to execute a nearly flawless three-day event. More importantly, because of the support they showed for me, I was able to let go of work for a while and really be with my mom both physically and emotionally.

Recently someone said to me, "You’ve not just built a vast network, you’ve surrounded yourself with great people." I smiled and responded, "Yes, I have." Not because I was accepting it as the intended compliment, but because through all of the craziness that came with 2016, I have been reminded that I truly have built relationships with some amazing and thoughtful people — and for that, I am thankful.

So yes, goodbye, 2016, but first, thank you for the reminder that relationships are important, that we all thrive when we have great people supporting us and that showing up does matter.

Here is to a happy, healthy and productive 2017 to you all!

With Gratitude,

Tracy Burns, CEO

P.S. My mom is recovering very well!!!