July 2010 Past Issues | Printer-Friendly | Advertise | insights archive
By: Bob Boudreau

What makes a leader? While there are countless authors of business books espousing the certain path to leadership excellence, what truly makes a great leader remains elusive.
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By: Rita B. Allen

Do you invest the proper amount of time, effort and energy into developing and nurturing relationships at work? As we all do more with less, and have barely enough time and resources to effectively accomplish what is expected of us, your answer to this question is likely to be "not as much as I would like."
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By: Paula Parnagian

"Why can’t we joke at work anymore? We are just trying to lighten it up. What a bunch of political correctness baloney!" When employees are this riled up, it can be difficult to explain the nuances of appropriate use of humor in the workplace.
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The NEHRA Community Forums (formerly Special Interest Groups) are an integral part of networking at NEHRA. They help to link members across interests and concerns.
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It's a great way to network with colleagues -beyond the NEHRA website. There are great discussions posted and all of NEHRA's community forums are posted in this social media space as well - we encourage you to participate!
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Group Membership will help you harness the power of NEHRA for your entire HR team, at the same time that it helps you control and manage your budget. Group Membership is a multi-year option that provides a discounted rate for each membership within your organization.
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Although we have seen some improvement in the overall economy, we recognize that NEHRA members are still finding themselves facing unemployment. NEHRA has long had a program designed to offer support to members in this situation. One of the many components of the program is the ability to access a dues waiver for up to one year in order to maintain an active membership.
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Do you have meeting space at your facility that NEHRA could use?
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Please contact Liz Picardi, director of content management, to be included in the next eNewsletter.
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If you are looking for applicants with a solid HR background, we have the tool for you! Post your job on www.nehra.com and reach out to HR career-driven individuals.
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List your job opening on both NEHRA's Home Page and in the next monthly eNewsletter — and get double the exposure!
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Date: August 23 (via online web link)
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
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Date: August 25
Time: 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (Office) in Wellesley
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Date: September 1
Time: 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Location: Sentinel Benefits (Office) in Reading
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Naylor, LLC
Suffolk University

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303 Wyman Street, Suite 285, Waltham, MA 02451-1253
www.nehra.com | 781-235-2900 (p) | 781-237-8745 (f)

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