NEHES Monthly Digest

Message from the President

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NEHES Members,

Many of you have probably seen the memes that have been traveling around the internet and social media about how everyone is about ready for 2020 to be behind us! While I am very ready to have COVID-19 and the effects of the pandemic in my rear-view mirror, I am not quite ready to say goodbye to 2020 altogether.

With this edition of the NEHES Newsletter, we are introducing you to a brand-new look and format for the newsletter. The NEHES Monthly Newsletter will be coming to you each month with great articles from NEHES Members and content from other great sources to enhance the information NEHES provides to you each month. As always, NEHES welcomes articles from members and encourages members to share their experiences, successes, and new initiatives with other NEHES Members.

In addition to the updated newsletter, NEHES is planning our first Virtual Fall Conference, and it is going to be a great experience! The virtual event is complimentary for NEHES Active Members and only $25 for non-member facility staff. This is an excellent opportunity for timely education, and we hope you’ll encourage your peers and colleagues who are not currently involved with NEHES to join as a member. When someone joins for $25 as an Active Member, they can then register for the conference at the complimentary rate. Not a bad investment of $25! Look for more information about registration and sponsorships in this newsletter.

The NEHES Board is also planning a Fall Strategic Planning Retreat to ensure NEHES is prepared for whatever 2021 sends our way. Our goal is to continue to offer exceptional member value and educational opportunities while keeping our members safe.

As always, I continue to be inspired by the dedication and commitment demonstrated each day by our NEHES members. Thank you for all you are doing each day to support the response to COVID-19 and to the many other challenges that face our facilities now and in the future.

While my term as President is almost over, I am not quite ready to hit the fast forward button on 2020. I look forward to connecting with you at the Virtual Fall Conference and to seeing how our members continue to meet the demands on our facilities. But when 2021 does arrive, I hope I will be able to celebrate with my friends and family, and then I will start looking in my rear-view mirror!

 Peter Girard, CHFM

2020 NEHES President


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