NEHES Monthly Digest

A Message from the President-Elect

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NEHES Members,

Usually around this time, everyone is enjoying summer vacations, which includes getting outside to enjoy some great weather. However, this year is anything but normal. I hope that you are still able to enjoy time with friends and family despite the current restrictions.

It’s also the time when the NEHES Board starts the process to get ready for the coming year. While 2021 is still a few months away, it will be here before we know it, and while we all hope that 2021 will look more like 2019 than 2020, the NEHES Board needs to be prepared and ready for whatever 2021 has in store for us.

To that end, I hope you have all seen the announcements about open Board positions. There are several key areas where NEHES is seeking volunteers to serve as the chair of key committees including Audit & Finance, Bylaws, and others. Please look for the announcement in your inbox and consider serving on the NEHES Board. The Board continues to be focused on providing high-quality educational opportunities and other value to members such as the NEHES Newsletter. Service on the Board is a great way to grow your leadership skills while supporting an outstanding organization. The time commitment is manageable, and it is an opportunity to give back to the organization we’ve all collectively benefited so much from.

As you know, the 2020 NEHES Fall Conference has gone “virtual.” The virtual conference has an excellent agenda, and we hope you will register and share this opportunity with your peers and colleagues as well. The cost for non-NEHES members is only $25, the same cost to join NEHES, so encourage them to join as a member and register for the conference at no additional charge! As you’ve come to learn, NEHES is a terrific way to network with peers and broaden your knowledge of the industry. Why not share this resource with those you work with?

Since this year’s conference went virtual, the next Fall Conference will be held in 2021 in beautiful Newport, Rhode Island, which means that the Fall Conference, hosted by the Maine Chapter, will be held in 2022.

I look forward to “seeing” you all on the 2020 NEHES Virtual Fall Conference and in person when the time comes. Best wishes,

 Cole Teague

2020 NEHES President Elect


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