Webinar: Continue with Confidence: How Smart Hospitals Can Keep Their Facilities Safe, Healthy, and Clean
Thursday, August 6, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
Presented by:
Steven Wagman, National Healthcare Business Leader - Siemens Industry, Inc., Smart Infrastructure Division
Dino Coliano, Interim Head of Healthcare - Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Lisa Schoonerman, Senior Account Executive, Healthcare - Siemens Industry, Inc.
COVID-19 continues to present new challenges to hospitals and other healthcare institutions. When it comes to maintaining and sustaining a safe, healthy, and clean facility, many feel like they're struggling to keep up at best or falling behind at worst.
Siemens remains committed to helping hospitals succeed. We're working to evaluate and plan for facilities that reduce the spread of infection, reduce operating costs, and instill confidence. And, we're working with our technology partners to advance and deploy innovations designed specifically to help healthcare institutions in these challenging times.
So, how can healthcare facilities rebound and continue with confidence? Siemens has identified seven areas where technology can help hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, and other medical buildings rise to the occasion in the coming months and years.
1. Reducing the spread of airborne and surface contaminants
2. Improving indoor air quality
3. Managing energy performance and power reliability
4. Enabling social distancing
5. Providing real-time updates
6. Sustain healthy and safe environments
7. Defer capital budgets and enhance resiliency
To learn more about innovations for hospitals and all types of healthcare facilities, visit us online at usa.siemens.com/buildinghealthcare.
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