NEHES Monthly Digest

ASHE Region 1 Liaison Update

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By Edward M. Browne, CHFM, CHC, FASHE 

The fall is finally upon us, and the days are getting much shorter. Although socially we have had to keep ourselves safe, and we seem to learn new ways to adapt to this new world order every day, I can affirm that ASHE business is going on as usual, just in a virtual format. Let me offer our NEHES membership the following updates.

57th ASHE Annual Conference & Technical Exhibition –

  • The 2020 ASHE Virtual Conference will be held on October 5-7. This innovative alternative provides you with the trusted content, connections and conversations you need to stay current with today’s health care facilities trends and challenges.
  • Over 25 CEC’s available for a $400 (members) fee

Mark your calendars: 2021 PDC Summit is March 28-32 Tampa, FL.

ASHE Board Update:

Results of ASHE Elections were released on September 8, Congratulations to Alison Brisson on being elected to Region 1 Board member for ASHE. 

The ASHE Board has kicked off an update of the ASHE Strategic plan, watch for more updates on this.

ASHE/ NEHES Advocacy Report

ASHE ICC Code Action Committee
ICC CHC Work Groups met to prepare for 2024 Cycle. There is a renewed focus on Means of Egress, Fire & Safety, MEP – Volunteers are needed for this committee, if you are interested in participating contact me or Jonathan Flannery right away (

 Advocacy NFPA 99 & 101 - Campaign 2020
Annual 2020 Revision Cycle Motions Committee report and agenda posted on the ASHE Advocacy website.  In addition, here is the results of this past summers annual technical meeting.:

CAMs 4-1 & 4-5 - Add Coordination of “Passive Fire Protection” within Integrated Testing
ASHE Recommended Accepting these CAMs
Passed 126 votes to 38 votes

 CAM 99-5 - Adding Fixtures, Furnishings and Decorations to Section 16.3
ASHE Recommended Rejecting this CAM
Failed with a vote of 46 for and 97 against

Thanky ou to all who voted!

Facility Guidelines Institute

Draft manuscripts are now published.  A new FGI committee is developing guidelines for “Emergency Conditions”, ASHE and NEHES has representation on this committee and is involved.  FGI is developing a white paper and will issue for public comment soon.

There is always new information when it pertains to ASHRAE and this month is no different

ASHRAE 170, Ventilation for Healthcare Facilities: The team is continuing to work on additional addenda and information will be coming soon. New addenda to be open for public comment on 14 August and Addendum j – provides outpatient table of spaces. Watch for notices within Health Facilities Management magazine

ASHRAE 189.3 Design, Construction and Operation of Sustainable High-Performance Health Care Facilities: Finalizing alignment with 189.1 and 90.1

ASHRAE 100 Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings: ASHE representation established on the SSPC

ASHRAE 514 Minimizing Risk of Disease and Injury Associated with Building Water Systems

Continuing to work with the Committee to develop standard

I will continue to keep our membership updated on any ASHE board developments and Advocacy topics as the year progresses.


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