NEHES Monthly Digest

NEHES Advocacy Report

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By Ed Lydon

 On June 9, 2021 ASHE held its Q2 Advocacy and Sustainability Liaison Webinar. The topics discussed were as follows:

NFPA in person annual conference is scheduled for Boston, June 6-9, 2022. This year (2021) the annual Virtual Technical Meeting will be conducted as follows:

  • Debate opens June 14 and closes June 25, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. ET. There is no need to register to participate in the debate.
  • To participate in the electronic voting on CAMs, you must be a continuously active member of the Association for 180 days, register to vote, and download the voting app to your smartphone. Registration for voting will be open May 19 to July 2, 2021 (closing at 12:00 p.m. ET). Voting will close on July 2, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. ET. Visit for registration, additional details, and all Tech Session participation.

ASHE is opposed to 4 proposed changes to the following standards:

  • 72-6
  • 72-7
  • 80-15
  • 1225-14

ASHE has provided public input on ASHRAE

ASHRAE 170 is a design standard not an operation standard.  Although used as an operation standard – rename 9.3 as Operation General to Design

9.4 change to operations of HVAC System

First Draft 3/22/22

ASHE Annual Conference

  • Two programs
    • Live August 8 to 11, 2021 in Nashville
    • Virtual September 15 to 17, 2021

Emergency Management

  • FGI “Draft Design Guidelines for Emergency conditions in Health and Residential Care Facilities”
  • Public input closes on June 30, 2021


NFPA 99 HCFC and 101 LSC, 2021 edition available now

2024 NFPA 99 HCFC and 101 LSC edition open for public comment June 1, 2021

  • First draft March 2022
  • ASHE providing input to NFPA 101 LSC
  • Public comment 2024

Coming soon in July

Sustainability Guide Monograph

  • Establish Green Team
  • Create Energy Management Plan
  • Complete a GHG Emissions Inventory and set targets
  • Execute Efficiency Measures
  • Other aspects of sustainability
  • M&V Protocol

ASHRAE/ASHE 170 2021 edition available at the ASHE store @ reduced price

ASHRAE to write an Operations Guide for 170

Moving away from Energy and moving country toward de-carbonization

  • Operational EUI vs target EUI
  • To help advocate we need everyone to use the ASHE Energy Dashboard.

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