NEHES Monthly Digest

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Dann M. Boyer, CHFM
Director of Facilities Operations
Sturdy Memorial Hospital
2022 NEHES President

 MARCH 2022

Some good news in dealing with the pandemic. The omicron variant has seen its peak and numbers are dropping quickly. Many states that once had mask mandates are relaxing these mandates. Let’s hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us, and we will soon be back to normal, whatever that normal may be.

On the NEHES front, we are looking forward to the annual Spring Seminar on Friday, April 1, 2022. As of right now, we are looking forward to being in person for the meeting. The Spring Seminar is always a good event and gives you the opportunity for education, CEUs, and valuable networking opportunities with our many supporting members. If you have never attended one of our seminars or conferences, I urge you to make a point of it and get involved.

Speaking of getting involved, through our website at NEHES.ORG, you can find links to the state chapters. The state chapters are always looking for engaged people to help as board members, or to plan events. Contact information for all of the state chapters can be found if you are interested. I encourage all of you to take part. I have found all the opportunity to serve to be rewarding experience and have made connections that will last a lifetime.


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