Social Media & Marketing Update
NEHES recently assembled a small group of Board Members to review the Society’s presence on social media and several recommendations came out of this meeting. You may have noticed NEHES has a new LinkedIn Page! The previously private group page has been closed and this new public company page is now our new home. We also added a Twitter account for those of you who like to tweet. Links for both of these accounts are below, please make sure to follow us! If you attend a NEHES or local chapter event, please tag NEHES on any of your LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter posts.
In addition to the social media review, this group also decided, with the Board’s approval, a transition of the Newsletter Committee to a Marketing/Communications Committee. This committee will oversee the many aspects of marketing that are used to promote NEHES and its mission. The committee members are: CJ Brown (chair), Katrina Reade, Michael Kilbride, and Taylor Benay.