NEHES Monthly Digest

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Dann M. Boyer, CHFM
2022 NEHES President
Director of Facilities Operations
Sturdy Memorial Hospital

The dog days of summer are behind us, and the cool crisp days of fall are staring us in the face. Before the weather really turns though we are gathering again, this time in beautiful Portland, Maine for our annual Fall Conference Sept. 18 thru 21.

The theme of this year’s conference is, “Net Zero Much More Than Going Green.”  This year’s keynote speaker is, Dan Cnossen - US Navy SEAL Lt. Commander, 6x Paralympic Medalist, Master of Theological Studies - Harvard University, Master in Public Administration - Harvard University. Read more about him at We will also have a general session with Joe McCannon - Health Care Sector Lead, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS/AHRQ) discussing the White House-HHS Climate Pledge. There are also many more educational and networking opportunities available for you. We will be sponsoring many scholarship winners to attend the conference. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect and learn.

Want to get involved with the newsletter? Have a story, an innovation, a best practice you want to share? Tell us about it. Send any stories you may want published to with the subject line Newsletter Article. We are always looking for new content.

As always, thank you for all that you do for your patients, your organizations, and your communities.


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