NEHES Monthly Digest

Letter from the Fall 2022 Conference Chair

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Cole Teague

Fall Conference 2022 Committee Chair

Hello fellow NEHES members,

As this year’s Fall Conference Committee Chair, I would like to take a moment and share with you all of the great work our Fall Conference Planning Committee has been doing thus far. This year’s Fall Conference theme “Net Zero: Much More Than Going Green” brings us many educational opportunities for members to learn about carbon footprint reduction, green energy, and process improvements and implementations you can utilize to reduce your facility’s impact on the planet.

We will begin the conference with our annual golf tournament at Nonesuch River Golf Club in Scarborough, Maine on Sunday, September 18 with a shotgun start at 9am. Registration begins at 8am and there will be coffee and donuts available by Holy Donut, a Portland favorite as well as a food truck at lunchtime. We will have some very creative and fun prizes for the top three winning teams, as well as for the longest drive and closest to the pin shots. We’re starting earlier this year so everyone can make it to the Opening Reception, taking place in the exhibit hall from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at our main event location, Holiday Inn by the Bay, in beautiful Portland, Maine.

Our annual gala will be held at the Portland Club on Monday night beginning at 6pm. Network, relax, and kick back with all of your NEHES friends and peers. Wear your best 80’s attire for your chance to win some totally rad prizes! This year’s theme; Back to the 80’s!!!

I truly hope you can all make it to the conference. This is lining up to be one of the best yet! See you there dudes! Totally!

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