NEHES Monthly Digest

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Peter Girard
2023 NEHES President

Happy New Year Members!

Soon the holidays will be behind us, and a new year will begin for the NEHES Executive Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairs. Strategic Planning and Goals for 2023 were set during the November Board Retreat, so we will hit the ground running.

Upcoming events to mark your calendar for are as follows. You won’t want to miss these:

  • Feb. 10: NHSHFM 5th Annual Winter Outing – Waterville Valley ME
  • April 14: Spring Seminar – Newton MA
  • Aug. 7-9: ASHE Annual Conference – San Antonio TX
  • Sept. 24-27: Fall Conference – Manchester NH

As we continue into 2023, I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming NEHES or Chapter event. I encourage you to let us know how we’re doing as a Board, and we welcome your ideas and suggestions. NEHES is a vibrant, engaging organization because of our members, and we appreciate all you do for your profession and NEHES.

Thank you for your participation, and I’ll see you soon!


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