NEHES Monthly Digest

NEHES Welcomes the 2024 Board of Directors and Committee Chairs!

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President: Charles "CJ" Brown
President-Elect: Paul Deviller
Treasurer: Katrina Reade
Secretary: Karri May
Past President: Peter Girard
Connecticut Chapter Representative: Reaghan Schicker
Maine Chapter Representative: Jesse Renaud
Massachusetts Chapter Representative: Mark Robinson
New Hampshire Chapter Representative: Paul Roth
Rhode Island Chapter Representative: James Carroll
Vermont Chapter Representative: Beth Seniw
Sustainability Liaison & Committee Chair: Ariana Walker
Supporting Member: Jill Papagni
ASHE Region 1 Representative: Alison Brisson
ASHE Advocacy Liaison: Ed Lydon
Audit Committee Chair: Paul Cantrell
Bylaws/Steering Committee Chair: Dave Dagenais
Education Committee Chair: Ryan Gagnon
Membership Committee Chair: Dann Boyer
Nominating Committee Chair: Charles "CJ" Brown
Scholarship Committee Chair: Cole Teague
Chapter Relations Committee Chair: Alison Brisson
Marketing & Communications Committee Chair: Roger Chicoine
Parliamentarian Committee Chair: Ed Browne
Spring Conference Committee Chair: Griffin Lausier
Fall Conference Committee Chair: Beth Seniw
Student Chapter Taskforce Chair: Paul Deviller


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