NEHES Member Spotlight
Robert Prohaska
Springfield Hospital (VT)
How has NEHES/ASHE contributed to your career?
When I first entered healthcare, NEHES and ASHE were instrumental in getting me up to speed on healthcare codes and standards. They continue to keep me on top of the important changes to codes and standards, and they have been great for consulting with colleagues on questions regarding codes and standards also.
What is your background in the healthcare facilities field?
Prior to entering the healthcare facilities field, I was a degreed mechanical engineer in the area of manufacturing facilities management.
Do you have a personal tidbit to share?
My hobby has for years been cycling. Both for travel and commuting. It's also a great way to accomplish errands on the weekends. Why pay for a gym membership?
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy the accomplishment of a project successfully completed, as this benefits the community our hospital serves.
What are your plans for future growth?
Since I am about four years from retirement, I hope to help others grow into this profession. As for myself, I intend to grow my appreciation of this world through more travel.