Q1 Sustainability Lunch and Learn Webinar | Wednesday, March 19 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
The Joint Commission Sustainability Healthcare Certification; Within Your Reach
Hosted by the NEHES Sustainability Committee
What We’ll Cover
- The Joint Commission Sustainability Certification is within your organization’s reach
- Why sustainable healthcare is so important
- Your organization’s eligibility for certification
- How the Sustainable Healthcare Certification review process works
- TJC Standards and Elements of Performance
- The value of certification to healthcare organizations
- The value of certification to patients and communities
- The Lawrence General Case Study. First in New England!
- The Sustainable Healthcare Resource Center
- Additional sustainability resources
Register Today: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_V1ywbhiERtuAOQmmIhm96A#/registration