NEHES Annual Strategic Planning Meeting Goes Virtual

The NEHES Board of Directors conducted their first virtual Strategic Planning Meeting. The 2021 incoming board members met to review progress on goals, milestones and to set new goals and milestones for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY2021). A review of the NEHES Investment Accounts was also provided.

While the pandemic certainly had an impact on some of the FY2020 Strategic Goals, the board still made excellent progress on several initiatives. In FY2020, NEHES established an Operating Fund Reserve separate from the NEHES Scholarship Investment Account. While the market has had an impact on the growth of both funds, recent gains have left NEHES in a good financial position considering the impact of COVID-19.

The board established five goals for FY2021:

Goal 1: Develop education content plan for future programs
Goal 2: Implement membership growth plan (including student membership)
Goal 3: Finalize the State Chapter Assessment
Goal 4: Develop a Mentorship / Succession Planning/Internship Program

Each of these goals work towards supporting education, membership, growth in our profession and building a base of strong professionals to support NEHES in the future.

The board members will assess progress towards goals during the regularly scheduled board meetings and will provide an update at the 2021 Fall Conference.

If you are interested in serving on a committee, please email NEHES at We would love to get you connected!