For over 50 years, the Children’s Center in Augusta, Maine, has transformed the lives of children with developmental disabilities. This new expanded facility will help the Children’s Center serve even more of these special kids and their families.
I hope each of you are doing well. Time has flown by since January 1st, and it shows no indication of slowing down. I want to thank all our NEHES Chapters for hosting great webinars since the beginning of 2021, and there are many more planned for the remainder of the year. While we are still not able to meet in person, the webinars offer a chance to gain new information and obtain CEUs. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at this year’s Spring Seminar, even if it is being held in June. Perhaps we should rename it the Late Spring / Early Summer Seminar! While many states still have COVID travel restrictions, NEHES is hoping that as the vaccine is more widely available, these restrictions will be lifted, allowing us to be in person. The Education and Spring Seminar Committees are planning a great line-up of speakers and a new format for this event. You will hear more about this soon, so I won’t spill the beans just yet.
Every year, NEHES members have the opportunity to recognize their peers for what they have contributed to NEHES, ASHE, to the engineering profession, and to their State Chapters.
Below is the list of each of the awards and we hope that you will take the time to review the requirements and nominate one of your peers.
WSP is an internationally recognized engineering consulting firm that has grown to over 10,000 staff nationally and 45,000 globally in every technical specialty (MEP, Structural, Commissioning, Civil, Water and Environment, Energy, Power, etc.) while still offering the same local expertise and service that our clients have come to expect.
American Society for Health Care Engineering The American Society for Health Care Engineering is calling upon members to share their input on the 2024 Editions of NFPA 99 and 101. The deadline for comments is June 1.