For over 50 years, the Children’s Center in Augusta, Maine, has transformed the lives of children with developmental disabilities. This new expanded facility will help the Children’s Center serve even more of these special kids and their families.
Greeting fellow NEHES members! I am thankful for the opportunity as President to have the opportunity to reach out to you through our newsletter communication. I have been quite busy this summer, working the day to day as a healthcare facilities director, managing projects, creating budgets, engaging in accreditation surveys, and planning time off to be with my family. There have been times recently when I’ve felt that my absence at work to be with family is self-defeating. By that I mean, in the back of my mind, I know that any time I am not at work, the busyness of our industry is piling up behind me and there will be more work to do when I return. I know that many of us carry this stress as we are all good stewards of our organizations and wish to perform at the very top of our capacity. However, I want to remind you that work-life balance is equally important as doing a great job and getting everything done on a moment's notice.
I ask that you please take some time for yourself, engage with family and friends, enjoy this beautiful New England weather, and to mentally rest and recharge. Our summer weather is quickly fleeting. Be well, and I hope to see you all again very soon.
WSP is an internationally recognized engineering consulting firm that has grown to over 10,000 staff nationally and 45,000 globally in every technical specialty (MEP, Structural, Commissioning, Civil, Water and Environment, Energy, Power, etc.) while still offering the same local expertise and service that our clients have come to expect.
Health Facilities Management The American Society of Health Care Engineering has announced plans to release facility management handbooks on a wide variety of topics in the coming years.
Healthcare Construction + Operations Potential areas of focus for facilities looking to address sustainability include finding ways to minimize water consumption and taking environmental impact into account.
Department of Health and Human Services The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has revised a guidance regarding emergency preparedness to provide further clarification during the current public health emergency.
Healthcare Facilities Today Tips for preventing fires in hospitals include monitoring cooking equipment and making sure cords and electrical outlets are in good condition.