NEHES Monthly Digest
December 2021
Let us help you stay out of the dark
H.O. Penn Machinery Co, Inc®
Cat® commercial power systems have long been seen as the industry leader when it comes to reliable, portable electricity generation in remote locations. H.O. Penn Power Systems is your full service provider for Caterpillar®-powered systems for power generation and industrial applications, both diesel and gaseous fueled.
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Message from President

Dann M. Boyer, CHFM
Director of Facilities Operations
Sturdy Memorial Hospital
2021 NEHES President-Elect

 Welcome to December. In the words of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, “Another year over, a new one just begun.” We at the NEHES board wish all of our membership a blessed and joyous holiday season.

We find ourselves at a crossroad — the pandemic that feels as if it will never end, vaccine mandates, staffing shortages, exhaustion, frustration, and a sense of déjà vu with everything going on around us. While it is true that 2021 has been yet another challenging year, I am sure each of us can find something to be thankful for from the year past.

As we look ahead to 2022, it brings challenges for all of us, personally, and professionally. Let’s be hopeful that 2022 sees the end of the pandemic and a return to life beyond COVID-19. While the disease COVID-19 will most likely never be extinguished, perhaps it will be minimized, become far less lethal, and far more treatable going forward.

Once again we wish a healthy and happy holiday season; on to 2022 and all that it brings.

Gleeson Powers Inc.
Compass Cryogenics Inc
When was the Last Time you Checked HVAC Coils for Mold & Bacteria
Conservation Solutions Corp®
Mechanical cleaning of coils every 6 months is not effective so Healthcare facilities need solutions to control bacteria, mold and viruses including Covid-19 in HVAC systems 24/7. Steril-Aire UVC Systems are a CDC approved technology to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), reduce Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) and associated liability costs. Steril-Aire UVC Systems are backed by a 2 ½ year peer reviewed ASHRAE study of 6 NE hospitals. Not All UVC Systems are the same.
ASHE Update
Health Facilities Management
The president of the American Society for Health Care Engineering looks back at the accomplishments of 2021.
RPF Associates, Inc.
C.E. Floyd Company, Inc.
Assessing the carbon footprint of one's facility can be a good first step in increasing sustainability efforts.
Facility Management News
Health Facilities Management
Risk assessment will be key in evaluating where to devote facility resources in the future.
Health Facilities Management
Whether a project is simple or complex, it always pays to have a solid plan based on best practices.
A thorough understanding of concrete and problems that can arise with it is important for maintaining the safety of a facility.
Seaman DiCarlo General Contractors, Inc.
The Wilkinson Companies