NEHES Monthly Digest

New England Healthcare Engineers Society

Dear NEHES members,

We hope that each one of you are staying safe and well during this time. We would like to thank you for all you are doing at your facilities in keeping up with the demand, as we try to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Message from President

NEHES Members,


Many of you have probably seen the memes that have been traveling around the internet and social media about how everyone is about ready for 2020 to be behind us! While I am very ready to have COVID-19 and the effects of the pandemic in my rear-view mirror, I am not quite ready to say goodbye to 2020 altogether.


NEHES Members,


Usually around this time, everyone is enjoying summer vacations, which includes getting outside to enjoy some great weather. However, this year is anything but normal. I hope that you are still able to enjoy time with friends and family despite the current restrictions.

Naylor Association Solutions
Naylor Association Solutions
Upcoming Events
September 1 – 3, 2020

Network with colleagues and business partners and learn essential tools for successful facility management through presentations that support this year’s theme, "Sustaining Healthcare Now and Into the Future: Continuous Improvement without Exhausting Resources."
September 18 – 20, 2020


With the cancellation of the Spring Seminar and in-person Fall Conference (though we look forward to the education and networking opportunities at the virtual event!), it has been a tough ride through this year. I know that all of us have been up to our ears responding to all kinds of requests to adapt to the COVID needs. We will not be able to see each other in person and enjoy sharing in the miseries that we all endure, but we look forward to continuing one of my favorite NEHES traditions each year… the Annual Motorcycle Ride & Fall Foliage Tour where we can take the opportunity to be with some of our friends that share a different interest that we have in common: motorcycling.
Thursday, August 6, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET

Presented by:
Steven Wagman, National Healthcare Business Leader - Siemens Industry, Inc., Smart Infrastructure Division
Dino Coliano, Interim Head of Healthcare - Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Lisa Schoonerman, Senior Account Executive, Healthcare - Siemens Industry, Inc.

COVID-19 continues to present new challenges to hospitals and other healthcare institutions. When it comes to maintaining and sustaining a safe, healthy, and clean facility, many feel like they're struggling to keep up at best or falling behind at worst.
Thursday, August 13, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET


Hosted by the Connecticut Healthcare Engineers' Society


Presented by:

Frank Pappalardo, CHMS

Manager/Principal, Innovative Environmental LLC.


Frank has over 40 years of facility cleaning, maintenance and construction experience. His experience spans over a number of industries, including healthcare, higher education, municipal, and commercial/industrial properties. He holds a World Safety Organization Certified Hazardous Material Supervisor certificate, Massachusetts Department of Fire Services certificate of competency and a Connecticut contractor’s license and is a member of NFPA.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kenneth Boyer, longtime member of NEHES.  Kenneth passed away on July 7, 2020. Many of you knew Kenneth or had the opportunity to meet him at the 2018 Fall Conference. NEHES awarded Kenneth an honorary Membership in 2017, and he leaves a legacy of commitment and dedication to the healthcare engineering profession. Kenneth is the father of Dann Boyer, Secretary of NEHES. Please join NEHES in sending our condolences to the entire Boyer Family. The full obituary can be viewed here: 

Kurt Croft


Year Joined NEHES


Why did you join NEHES?
I joined NEHES to become part of the regional organization for healthcare facility professionals. I am a big proponent of supporting and participating in organizations that exist for professional development, so joining NEHES was a logical move. NEHES has been an excellent way to strengthen ties to the healthcare industry.


NEHES is proud to endorse Alison Brisson, CHFM, SASHE, for the Region One Representative to ASHE. Elections will open on Monday, August 3rd. Please visit to cast your ballot.


Alison is currently a member of the NEHES Board of Directors and has been for the past 8 years. As President for NEHES in 2017 and again in 2019, Alison has proven to be a dedicated leader in our field. Additionally, Alison was named Engineer of the Year in 2019 after being nominated by her colleagues. Her current role is Director of Facility Operations with Concord Hospital in Concord, NH. Alison directs and supports the managers and teams that facilitate physical plant operations, maintenance, projects and real estate for a 295-bed hospital and associated practices.

ASHE Update
By Edward M. Browne, FASHE, CHFM, CHC


Summer has ramped up in many ways here in New England. I hope all our members have found some way to decompress and get some respite, albeit briefly, from the pressures and responsibilities of this hot COVID-19 summer. You are in many cases the unsung heroes of these recent months, and I am humbled to be able to play a small part in supporting your efforts with ASHE’s help. 
Health Facilities Management
Some of the best ideas for code changes and updates are suggested by ASHE members.


Shaun Pandit, MBA, CEO, Early Bird Power

Anand Seth, PE, CEM, CPE, Independent Consultant

Edward M. Browne, CHFM, CHC, FASHE, Senior Consultant, Early Bird Power


 What do liquor stores, pizza joints and hospitals have in common? You might think the answer is these are places where you might find a healthcare facility manager at different times of the day. But you would be wrong (in most cases). It seems (per Innowatt) that these three business types have increased their use of power more than most other industries 19%, 20% and 16% respectively. Car dealers and dry cleaning have seen the biggest decrease at -67 & -65% respectively.

Health Facilities Management
One system in health care facilities that has been particularly affected by COVID-19 is the bulk medical oxygen system.
Facility Management News
Health Facilities Management
Reviewing water, gas, HVACR and electrical power systems regularly is an important part of minimizing risks.
Modular construction has the potention to reduce construction time and costs, but the approach has yet to gain much traction among hospitals.
Healthcare Construction + Operations
The COVID-19 pandemic already has affected planning with regard to the design of future healthcare facilities and the potential redesign of exisiting spaces.