NEHES Monthly Digest

New England Healthcare Engineers Society

Very Special Project
WBRC Architects/Engineers®
For over 50 years, the Children’s Center in Augusta, Maine, has transformed the lives of children with developmental disabilities. This new expanded facility will help the Children’s Center serve even more of these special kids and their families.
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Message from President-Elect

Dann M. Boyer, CHFM
Director of Facilities Operations
Sturdy Memorial Hospital
2021 NEHES President-Elect


July is here, and with it, the process of putting the pandemic in the rearview mirror, hopefully for good. The last year has certainly been a trying time not only for those of us in healthcare, but for the world in its entirety. It will be great to breathe without the constraints of a mask and enjoy a friendly smile.

Gleeson Powers Inc.
H.O. Penn Machinery Co., Inc.
Upcoming Events
By Ed Lydon


On June 9, 2021 ASHE held its Q2 Advocacy and Sustainability Liaison Webinar. The topics discussed were as follows:


NFPA in person annual conference is scheduled for Boston, June 6-9, 2022. This year (2021) the annual Virtual Technical Meeting will be conducted as follows:
WSP: Creating People-Centered Design
WSP is an internationally recognized engineering consulting firm that has grown to over 10,000 staff nationally and 45,000 globally in every technical specialty (MEP, Structural, Commissioning, Civil, Water and Environment, Energy, Power, etc.) while still offering the same local expertise and service that our clients have come to expect.  
Click here to learn more

Aurora Cammarata

NEHES Member since

Why did you join NEHES?
NEHES is the place where all roads meet regarding healthcare facilities design and construction in the New England market. It is where you can learn about the trends that are here to stay, network with the folks that matter, and share your own firm's expertise and experience.

What would you say to encourage someone to join NEHES?
If you are working in healthcare, either on the client side or service/product provider side, NEHES can help you learn from and share with the best in the business. And, have some fun while you are at it!


Benefits of NEHES
Trapani Architects is sponsoring the NEHES Spring Meeting, so we will get some brand exposure for the firm. I have also volunteered to work on the Fall Conference Committee. I live in Newport so I can be an unofficial ambassador to the City by the Sea! Looking forward to seeing old friends and friends that are yet to be.

ASHE Update
Health Facilities Management
A new handbook from the American Society for Health Care Engineering provides an introduction to what health care facility managers should know to be successful in performing their duties.
RPF Associates, Inc.
REOS Sales & Service
By Ben Walker, Director of Energy Market Analytics, Hospital Energy and Steven Jalowiec, PE, CHFM, SASHE Vice President Engineering Services Hospital Energy 




Hospitals in New England are subject to an electricity supply charge called capacity. This line-item comprises approximately 20% of total energy supply spend, though this can vary by location, by year, and by your facility’s load pattern. An auction establishes the rates for capacity years into the future and is conducted annually by the interstate grid operator in New England, ISO-NE. The charge is billed through the 3rd party supplier, but this charge will not be transparent on many fixed rates contracts. The most important thing to understand is that hospitals can reduce these charges through various programs which result in lower usage particularly during a few peak hours in the summer. Your trusted energy advisor can help you identify the cost impact to the hospital and various methods available to reduce these costs.

Seaman DiCarlo General Contractors, Inc.
Pall Medical
Facility Management News
Facility Executive
Investing in health care facility infrastructure, upgrading facilities and keeping up to date with maintainance can ultimately reduce health care's financial burden.
Tips for hiring an engineer include checking references and comparing prices.
Healthcare Construction + Operations
Flexibility and adaptive reuse are among the structural considerations for healthcare projects.