The NEHES Board of Directors has reviewed the Society’s bylaws and recommend adoption of the proposed revisions as detailed here. The general intent of these revisions is to add clarity to the Honorary Membership requirements, provide a definition of the Executive Board, and establish Executive Board oversight over the administrator’s office.
ARTICLE IV – Eligibility and Membership
Section 4-5: Honorary Membership: Any Active Member with a minimum of fifteen years active membership in the Society or a past president of the Society who has served a full term will be eligible to be carried on the rolls as an Honorary Member of the Society without assessment of dues. Application must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Society, requesting transfer from Active Membership to Honorary Membership of the Society. Past Presidents of the Society will be automatically made an Honorary Member. Such a transfer must be approved by the Executive Board of Directors and can be rescinded by the Executive Board of Directors at any time should the status of the Honorary Member change in any way which might interfere [e.g., conflict of interest] with the mission of the Society. Honorary Members may vote and be members of the Board of Directors excluding Executive Board positions.
ARTICLE V – Officers and Executive Board
Section 5-1: The officers and Executive Board of the Society shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, Immediate Past President, and Treasurer.
Section 5-24: The Administrative Director’s Office shall be established, contracted, and overseen by the Executive Board.
A vote for these revisions will be held at the Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 24 at the NEHES Fall Conference. Please take a few minutes to review the detailed changes in the attached document.