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Volunteer for the Volunteer Recruitment & Recognition Working Group

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The Volunteer Recruitment and Recognition Working Group is seeking new members who are passionate about the long-term success of all NENA Working Groups!

If any of the following pertain to you, this Working Group is a wonderful fit for you!

  • Desire to see engaged members of the 9-1-1 industry making a difference? (That’s right, you do NOT have to be a NENA member)
  • Hoping to see more diversity and involvement across NENA's standards and best practices development Working Groups?
  • Excited to see processes refined and adapted that increase participation?
  • Ready to partner with other Working Group leaders to ensure they are successful?
  • Thankful for those who have tirelessly served on Working Groups and want to make sure they are celebrated?

Then... join today! Whether new to the industry, retired from the industry, or in your prime, this Working Group is looking for variety, creativity, and innovation in supporting the work of NENA!

Meetings are scheduled for Mondays from 1:30 – 3:00 PM Eastern.

Click here to volunteer! 


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